Trevor is the founder and leader of Lattice Capital and advisory. He has a background in executive management with hands-on partner, director and senior management roles in large Big 4 consulting firms and senior management positions in investment banks. Those roles were at Ernst & Young, and Grant Thornton where he had partner roles, and Deloitte’s where he was a senior manager. Prior to joining Deloittes, Trevor held senior management role in two of Southern Africa’s largest investment banks, ABSA/Senbank and UAL.

Trevor has over 20 years experience working exclusively in corporate finance and forensic accounting:, and is experienced across a broad range of corporate finance matters – including growth and business strategy, capital raising projects, business acquisitions and business sales with specific sector experience in retail, listed property and REIT’s, IT & software businesses, transport, professional services and mining supply businesses.

Trevor is an accredited Business Valuation Specialist (Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia & New Zealand); a Chartered Accountant (ICAANZ and SAICA); a Fellow of FINSIA and the Australian Institute of Management he holds a Bachelor of Commerce (majoring in Marketing and Commercial Law); a Bachelor of Accounting, as well as three Graduate Diplomas – Applied Finance and Investment, Corporate Law and Migration Law.


Lattice Capital & Advisory is one of only a few (boutique) specialist transaction advisory and valuation specialist firms operating across Australia.

We focus just as a typical medical specialist does, by providing specialist support and assistance to other medico’s…however in our instance that’s accountants, family lawyers, loss adjusters – AND just when their clients most need it…

We operate from offices in Brisbane, South East Queensland – even though much of our work is for professionals and national clients who are based elsewhere in QLD , or out-of-State in NSW, Victoria, the Territory or Western Australia. Harnessing technology we’ve even recently handled due diligence matters for clients in Botswana and Zambia.

Established in 2008 by an experienced corporate finance practitioner with a leadership pedigree at Ernst & Young, Deloitte and Grant Thornton the Firm has grown and now offers specialist transaction advice, business valuation and forensic accounting expertise to a wide variety of businesses and across a broad array of industry sectors.

We have the requisite commercial and financial expertise, as well as the forensic accounting and negotiation, dispute resolution and communication skills to ably assist you with your challenge AND that’s why we get referrals….many of which come from the big end of town.